A Few Photos from Paisley

Paisley is a town near Glasgow that used to be famous for its textile manufacturing.The Scots language/the Scots leid:Paisley’s a toon narhaun Glesca that yisst tae be faur kent fur its textile manufacturin. Paisley Town Hall.The Scots language/the Scots leid:Paisley Toon Hoose. Paisley Abbey. Oakshaw Trinity Church.The Scots language/the Scots leid:Aikshaw Tarnty Kirk. The John … Continue reading A Few Photos from Paisley

Dirdie Hurl

It can be a bumpy ride through life, but we keep going – for all that our heads, hearts and backsides are throbbing.The Scots language/the Scots leid:It can be a dirdie hurl throu life, but we haud gaun – fur aw that wir heids, herts an behoochies is lowpin.

Postwar Housing

Not the prettiest of buildings but not so very bad either, and it’s still providing homes after many decades.The Scots language/the Scots leid:No the bonniest o biggins but no that duin ull aithers, an it’s aye providin hames efter monie decades.

A Wee Message

I might look like a silhouette but I’m not. I’ve got depth and a full life – going to the supermarket, buying things. The Scots leid/The Scots language:A mibbie leuk lik a silhouette but A’m no. There deepth o me an A’v gat a fou life – gaun tae the supermercat, coffin things.