A Few Photos from Paisley

Paisley is a town near Glasgow that used to be famous for its textile manufacturing.The Scots language/the Scots leid:Paisley’s a toon narhaun Glesca that yisst tae be faur kent fur its textile manufacturin. Paisley Town Hall.The Scots language/the Scots leid:Paisley Toon Hoose. Paisley Abbey. Oakshaw Trinity Church.The Scots language/the Scots leid:Aikshaw Tarnty Kirk. The John … Continue reading A Few Photos from Paisley

Hail Wheel

Sometimes it’s time to go for it full tilt without bothering your head about losing your bearings. The Scots language/the Scots leid:Whiles it’s time tae gang hail wheel intil it athoot fashin yer heid aboot tynin yer meaths.

Some Green

You can see green in almost every direction. But is the grass always greener on the other side?The Scots language/the Scots leid:Ye can deek green maist aw wey an athort. But is the girse aye greener ower the dyke – an ower the river?