A Few Photos from Paisley

Paisley is a town near Glasgow that used to be famous for its textile manufacturing.The Scots language/the Scots leid:Paisley’s a toon narhaun Glesca that yisst tae be faur kent fur its textile manufacturin. Paisley Town Hall.The Scots language/the Scots leid:Paisley Toon Hoose. Paisley Abbey. Oakshaw Trinity Church.The Scots language/the Scots leid:Aikshaw Tarnty Kirk. The John … Continue reading A Few Photos from Paisley

Gardy Loo: Sanitation in Eighteenth-Century Edinburgh

“By ten o’clock each night the filth collected in each household was poured from the high windows, and fell in malodorous plash upon the pavement, and not seldom on unwary passers-by. At the warning call of ‘Gardy loo’ (Gardez l’eau) from servants preparing to outpour the contents of stoups, pots, and cans, the passengers beneath … Continue reading Gardy Loo: Sanitation in Eighteenth-Century Edinburgh